Test and Analysis

To prevent extensive testing or unexpected behaviors after production, computational analysis is a powerful tool. We use motion simulation from Dassault Solidworks as well as Ansys for structural, fluid dynamical or thermodynamic simulations. Those tools allow influencing the design process from the beginning and allowing optimization even before the first prototype.

For molded components, “moldflow” allow us to analyze in detail the production process and tool design. This is especially important for large scale production where. Our experience in materials and tool design has proven itself for many years and can be witnessed in various products. The design of tools and components can usually be optimized such that not only the functional requirements are met but also the production cost, material use, robustness and quality are enhanced.

New products need careful consideration in design, function, quality and production. Continuous validation and testing of selected components and solutions is essential. Computer based simulations are essential in the design phase. Testing existing hardware however is still unavoidable later in the process or when evaluating opportunities for existing products.

Our experience helps us in choosing the right components and in evaluating alternative candidates. We are equipped with state of the art analytical tools and test equipment that allows us to confirm a products’ data sheet or performance.


+86 7558 527 46 37


+86 7558 527 46 37


8:00am – 5:30pm


+86 7558 527 46 37


+86 7558 527 46 37


8:00am – 5:30pm